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Concept of Employee Retention-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss the concept of employee retention and employee turnover in the light of the business process of merger and integration. Answer: Introduction The diversification of the business world has much affected the employee retention policies of the various business organizations (James Mathew, 2012). In the opinion of many people the various employees related to a particular business organization are the primary building blocks of the concerned business organizations and therefore the primary focus of the majority of the business organizations is on the retention of the skilled as well as talented employees (James Mathew, 2012). However, in the present times it is seen that the employee turnover rates have increased significantly due to various reasons like the lack of job satisfaction, the various policies followed by the business organizations and others (Hancock et al., 2013). This report will discuss about the concept of employee retention and employee turnover especially in the context of the various collaborations under taken by the diverse business organizations. The report will also discuss about the concepts of merger a nd the phase of integration which follows immediately after this particular phase. Conflicting values at stake Conflicts are a common part of most of present day business organizations and the conflicts can be of several types like the conflicts on the score of the cultural factors, conflicts on the score of the social difference factors and others (James Mathew, 2012). However, one of the most common conflicts which most of the modern day business organizations in the present day is the conflict on the score of the employees retention and employee turnover (Hancock et al., 2013). The major conflicting situation which is being discussed in this particular case study is problem of employee retention during the process of collaboration with the other companies (Light, 2018). For example, in this particular case study the pharmaceutical companies DeWaal Pharmaceuticals and BioHealth Labs are planning to have collaboration with each for the sake of the enhancement of the business of both the business organizations (Light, 2018). It is significant to note one the news of this merger reached the m edia and headlines were made with the news the real work of the collaboration began (Light, 2018). The top employees of both the organizations wanted to play the lead role in the process. It is significant to note that the owner of the company DeWaal Pharmaceuticals Steve wanted to head the operations of the new collaboration which would provide cheap medication for the cure of the disease of AIDS however he was dissuaded by the persuasions of Kaspar, the owner of the other company involved in the process of the merger (Light, 2018). Furthermore, in a similar manner many of the top employees from both the organizations wanted to have the top spots of the new collaborative company to be given to them however when that did not happen they simply left the organization and this acted as a significant loss to the organizations (Hancock et al., 2013). It is a reflection of this the market of the concerned business organizations dropped by almost 20% within the first week of the announceme nt of the merger (Light, 2018). It is significant to note that the problem of employee turnover is one of the common ones which most of the business organizations face in the present times and which has adversely affected the prospects of the most of the business organizations in an adverse in the recent times (Hancock et al., 2013). Thus, most of the top level as well as the hard working employees of the organization opt out of the organization when they see that their hard work is not being appreciated. Integration and employees The concept of business integration can be defined as a strategy whose goal is to synchronize information technology (IT) and business cultures and objectives and align technology with business strategy and goals. Business integration is a reflection of how IT is being absorbed as a function of business (Stanley et al., 2013). In other words the process of business integration is a planning process that integrates across two or more functions in a business or government entity referred to as an enterprise to maximize financial value (Stanley et al., 2013). Therefore, in the present day it is often seen that the various business organizations take the help of not only the process or merger and acquisition but also the concept of integration to bring about the overall growth as well as the development of their overall business process (Hancock et al., 2013). However, it is often seen that the business organizations involved in the process of merger are from different cultural as well a s social backgrounds like the business organizations of DeWaal Pharmaceuticals and BioHealth Labs mentioned in the case study(Hom et al., 2012). Therefore, the various business organizations need to take into consideration the cultural as well as the social factors for the process of the merger and collaboration (Hom et al., 2012). In the opinion of many people the concept of Mergers and acquisitions (MA) are transactions in which the ownership of companies, other business organizations, or their operating units are transferred or combined. As an aspect of strategic management, MA can allow enterprises to grow, shrink, and change the nature of their business or competitive position (Hom et al., 2012). The case study under discussion here discusses the merger between the two companies DeWaal Pharmaceuticals and BioHealth Labs. In the present times it is often seen that the various business organizations take the help of the concepts of Mergers and acquisitions not only to outrival th eir primary competitors in the same field of operations but also to bring about the overall growth as well as the development of their business organizations. This particular concept is also utilized by the various business organizations which are planning to enter into market areas or into areas of business which is totally new for both of them(Stanley et al., 2013). Thus, in the given case study the field of business which the pharmaceutical companies DeWaal Pharmaceuticals and BioHealth Labs are trying to enter is the field of the medication for the patients suffering from the disease of AIDS and this is a completely new domain for both the concerned parties. Therefore, it can be said that the concept of merger will be very useful for both of them. It is true that the process of merger provides many advantages to the organizations concerned however there are certain disadvantages of the process as well (Stanley et al., 2013). The primary disadvantage of the process of the merger is the impact which it had on the various employees related to the organization (Stanley et al., 2013). As already mentioned the employees are the most important part of the various business organizations and it is their hard labor which makes the success attained by a particular business organization feasible (Ahammad, et al., 2016). The major disadvantage of the process of merger is that it had a negative impact on the various employees. It is significant to note that the various employees who work for a particular organization have certain expectations from the company (Ahammad, et al., 2016). Therefore, the employees expect that when the business organization for which they are working expands they will be promoted and given higher positions within that particular organization (Aguenza Som, 2012). However, during the process of merger it is generally seen that the top employees from both the organizations are not given equal opportunity for promotion (Ahammad, et al., 2016). Therefore, the dissatisfaction level of the employees increase and they often tend to leave their jobs (Agu enza Som, 2012). This is a common problem which the majority of the business organizations face in the present times. The concept of Employee turnover refers to the number or percentage of workers who leave an organization and are replaced by new employees. Measuring employee turnover can be helpful to employers that want to examine reasons for turnover or estimate the cost-to-hire for budget purposes (Aguenza Som, 2012). It is generally seen that the various organizations give training and invest other kind of resources in the various employees of their organization. Thus, if these employees leave the business organizations then that will be a considerable loss for the concerned company (Aguenza Som, 2012). However, it is often seen that the various business organizations do not take into consideration the various needs of the customers in the most effective manner and therefore they leave the organization (Aguenza Som, 2012). Resolution of the conflicts The various business organizations in the present times take the help of various kinds of strategies for the resolution of the conflicts which arise during the process of merger. It is significant to note that it is not possible for the various business organizations to take into consideration the expectations of all the employees (Ahammad, et al., 2016). Therefore, the thing which the various business organizations can do is to have an open forum where the various employees related to the business organization can have a fair chance to compete with each other and have a go at the top position of the new merger (Hausknecht Holwerda, 2013). This is likely to appease the various employees related to a particular business organization in a significant manner (Hausknecht Holwerda, 2013). It is generally seen that most of the employees related to a particular business organization do not even get the chance to have the top managerial positions when the business organization is having a merger (Bryant Allen, 2013). This gives rise to a significant amount of dissatisfaction as well as anger among the various employees and therefore they often decide to leave the concerned business organization (AlBattat Som, 2013). Therefore, to avoid this particular thing the best thing which the concerned business organization can do is to provide an open forum to everyone where they will get a chance to compete with each other on an equal footing (Bryant Allen, 2013). The various present day researches suggests that the various employees related to a particular organization like to have equal growth as well as promotion on par with the other employees and therefore this particular strategy is likely to appeal to them in a significant manner (Hausknecht Holwerda, 2013). Recommendation for the two senior executives The process of integration although it seems to be a very simple yet is a very complex and the effective management of it requires a collective effort on the part of the management of the concerned business organization (AlBattat Som, 2013). The two senior executives in the given case study could have provided an open forum to the top employees of both the business organizations (AlBattat Som, 2013). This would have reduced the level of dissatisfaction among the various employees belonging to both the organizations and at the same time would have reduced the rate of attrition from both the business organizations in a considerable manner (AlBattat Som, 2013). Furthermore, the HRM of a particular organization also plays a considerable role during the process of the integration and also helps in the process of the retention of the employees by enhancing the level of their job roles and also motivating the various employees to perform at their job roles in a much better manner (Yamano i Sayama, 2013). Therefore, an active intervention of the HR executives during the process could have been very useful and would have helped the two organizations to reduce the level of attrition and also the dissatisfaction quotient of the employees in a significant manner (Yamanoi Sayama, 2013). The various HR executives related to the business organizations could have come up better kinds of plans whereby the employees belonging to both the organizations would have got a chance to contest for the top position of integrated business organization (AlBattat Som, 2013). Management and Organizational theories The various business organizations in the present times often take the help of the various kinds of Management and Organizational theories for the effective management of not only the workplace and the employees but also for the effective management of the overall business process of the concerned business organization (Hancock et al., 2013). It is generally seen that the various business organizations resort to various kinds of theories as well as strategies related to the genre of the effective management of the employees for the purpose of not only enhancing the job satisfaction level of the various employees in a bid to reduce the rate of employed turnover and thereby avoid the consequent loss of resources which the concerned organization would have to bear on the score of that but also to ensure that the various employees are adequately motivated and are their personal goals as well as objectives are in synchronization with the overall goals as well as the objectives of the orga nization (Hancock et al., 2013). Therefore, it can be said that the various Management and Organizational theories are very much relevant in this particular context. For example, the concerned business organization can take the help of the various kinds of theories related to the concepts of integration and merger to effectively manage its affairs during the process of merger and integration (Ahammad, et al., 2016). Furthermore, following the various precepts of the theory of Herzbergs Dual Factor Theory the various organizations should focus on increasing the factors which enhance the job satisfaction level of the employees (Ahammad, et al., 2016). It is generally seen that if the employees are satisfied with the kind of work which they are doing then the chances are very less that they are going to quit the job (Ahammad, et al., 2016). This will help the concerned business organization in a significant manner by not only reducing the rate of the attrition of the employees from the organization but at the same time saving the resources of the organization (Ahammad, et al., 2016). Conclusion To conclude, the business world in the present time has undergone a rapid transformation since the traditional times. In the present times with the emergence of the various new as well as innovative ideas for the conduct of international business have emerged and one of the most commonly preferred methods by the various business organizations of the world is the method of merger and integration. The concepts of merger and integration are generally seen as the developments coming out of the umbrella of globalization and are being increasingly used by the various business organizations in the present times for the expansion of their business. However, there are some problems related to the concept of merger as well. For example, it is generally seen that during the process of merger and integration the top and the hard working employees of the two business organizations do not get level of preference and thus dissatisfaction grows among the various employees related to the business org anization. It is a reflection of this that many top performing employees of the business organizations undergoing the process of merger often leave the organization on the score of dissatisfaction with the management of the organization. References Ahammad, M. F., Tarba, S. Y., Liu, Y., Glaister, K. W. (2016). Knowledge transfer and cross-border acquisition performance: The impact of cultural distance and employee retention.International Business Review,25(1), 66-75. doi.org/10.1016/j.ibusrev.2014.06.015 AlBattat, A. R. S., Som, A. P. M. (2013). 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