Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Society Influences Identity by Jessica Canar - 1565 Words

Jessica Canar Ms. Armbrester AP English III March 8, 2013 Thesis: Throughout centuries, the interactions humans have encountered with society is what severely defines who people are and how it influences their identity. I. Experience A. At birth people go through experience. B. Humans learn through conditioning and get the idea of right and wrong which determines identity. C. â€Å"we are who we are because of all the experiences that brought us to this point† (Phelps par. 14). II. Media A. Responsible for shaping and influencing identity. B. In Tashlin’s book the bear was told that he was not a bear and society convinces to change his identity. C. The†¦show more content†¦The other side is that the woman might have thought that picking her nose was not wrong at all. Both of them had different views of right and wrong. They both had earlier experiences that made them believe this and therefore made them be who they were at that point, the same way Megan Phelps stated. The woman who picked her nose was judged by society. The media people see every day is managed by society. This media is responsible for shaping and influencing the identity of people. In â€Å"The bear that wasn’t†, Frank Tashlin writes â€Å"Even as we struggle to define our unique identity, those groups attach labels to us that may differ from those we would choose for ourselves† (par.1). The bear in this story was told he was not a bear. Factory men convinced the bear he was just â€Å"a silly ma n who needs a shave and wears a fur coat† (par.13). The bear was left with no choice but to believe this. He was influenced by society which changed his identity. Moreover, there are also television shows that display how the media affects the identity of people. A common television show is â€Å"The Simpsons† because each character has a personality that many humans follow without actually realizing it. It defines way of thinking and exploits the

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